Karl Vladimir

Karl Vladimir Prince of Yugoslavia
  • Title: Prince of Yugoslavia
  • Full Name: Karl Vladimir Cyril Andrej
  • Father: Prince Andrew of Yugoslavia
  • Mother: Princess Kira Melita of Leiningen
  • House: Karageorgevich
  • Born: March 11, 1964
  • Married: Brigitte Müller on April 18, 2000

Prince Karl Vladimir Cyril Andrej of Yugoslavia was born on March 11, 1964. He’s the son of Prince Andrew, the youngest child of King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and Maria of Yugoslavia.

His mother is his father’s second cousin, Princess Kira Melita of Leiningen.

Karl’s paternal great-grandparents were King Peter I of Serbia (1844–1921) and Princess Zorka of Montenegro (1864–1890), while his maternal great-grandparents were King Ferdinand of Romania (1865–1927) and Princess Marie of Edinburgh (1875–1938).

Queen Victoria is both his father’s great-great-great-grandmother and his mother’s great-great-grandmother. This makes his parents’ third cousins, once removed. He is listed in the order of succession from his father’s lineage, which is higher than his mother’s.

Prince Karl Vladimir of Yugoslavia married Brigitte Müller on April 18, 2000. They appear to have no living children.



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